Working with Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core

Razor Pages, introduced in ASP.NET Core 2.0, offer a fresh, streamlined approach to building web applications. This model-centric development paradigm simplifies certain tasks, making it an appealing choice for developers familiar with ASP.NET and those new to the ecosystem. But how does it fit within the broader context of ASP.NET Core, and how does it compare to the tried-and-true MVC pattern? Overview of what Razor Pages are and how they fit into the ASP.
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Getting Started with ASP.NET Core MVC: A Beginners Guide

When delving into the world of ASP.NET Core MVC, it’s paramount to first grasp the underlying architecture that gives the framework its name: MVC, or Model-View-Controller. This design pattern has been a cornerstone in software engineering, particularly in web development. But what makes it so powerful? Let’s dive in. Basics of the MVC Pattern The Model-View-Controller design pattern has its roots deep in the world of GUI software design. The primary aim of the MVC pattern is to separate an application into three interconnected components:
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Introduction to ASP.NET Core: Features and Benefits

In the ever-evolving world of web development, ASP.NET Core stands out as a modern, robust, and versatile framework. Before diving into its features and benefits, let’s familiarize ourselves with the origins and fundamentals of ASP.NET Core. Historical Context The journey of ASP.NET Core began with the inception of ASP.NET, which was launched by Microsoft in the early 2000s as a part of the .NET framework. ASP.NET was groundbreaking, offering a server-side framework to build dynamic web pages and applications.
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Debugging and Diagnosing .NET Core Applications Part 2

Introduction to Debugging and Diagnostics Part 2 In this blog we will continue our exploration into debugging in dot net core. If you missed the first blog you can read it here. Introduction to Diagnostics in .NET Core While debugging is typically employed when a known issue or error needs to be resolved, diagnostics take a more proactive approach, aiming to understand the overall health and behavior of an application.
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Debugging and Diagnosing .NET Core Applications

Introduction to Debugging and Diagnostics Part 1 When it comes to software development, especially on robust platforms like .NET Core, understanding the nuances of debugging and diagnostics can make a world of difference. Both practices, while inherently different, play crucial roles in building, optimizing, and maintaining software applications. What is Debugging? Debugging is a systematic process that helps developers detect, track, and fix issues—referred to as ‘bugs’—within a software application.
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Building Your First .NET Core 'Hello World' Application - Part 1

Building Your First .NET Core “Hello World” Application Part 1 If you’re new to .NET Core, it may seem daunting at first, but don’t worry - we’ve got you covered. As part of your web development training, it’s important to get hands-on experience. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through building your first .NET Core application from scratch. Table of Contents Prerequisites Creating a New Project Understanding the Project Structure Adding Functionality Running the Application Prerequisites Before starting, make sure you have the .
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An Overview of .NET Core Tools and SDKs

An Overview of .NET Core Tools and SDKs Developing software applications can be a complex process, but with the right set of tools and SDKs, much of the heavy lifting can be automated, making the developer’s life much easier. If you’re learning .NET Core or planning to start your web development training with it, you’ve chosen a framework that provides a rich set of tools and SDKs. In this guide, we’ll explore some of these tools that make building applications, especially ASP.
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Exploring Cross-Platform Development with .NET Core

Exploring Cross-Platform Development with .NET Core The capability to build applications that work seamlessly on multiple platforms is a highly sought-after skill in today’s development world. Fortunately, with .NET Core, cross-platform development is easier than ever. Whether you’re learning .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, using Entity Framework Core, or interested in building microservices, this guide will introduce you to the cross-platform capabilities of .NET Core. Table of Contents What is Cross-Platform Development?
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Getting Started with .NET Core: A Beginner's Guide

Getting Started with .NET Core: A Beginner’s Guide The world of programming is diverse, complex, and yet equally rewarding. If you are considering learning .NET Core, you’re in the right place. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll help you navigate through the basics of .NET Core, its features, how to set it up, and how you can start building your first application. Table of Contents What is .NET Core? Setting up .
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Migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core: Tips and Best Practices

Migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core: Tips and Best Practices Whether you’re in the midst of learning .NET Core or already experienced with the .NET Framework, there may come a time when you need to migrate an existing .NET Framework application to .NET Core. This can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and guidance, it can be made manageable and even straightforward. In this article, we’ll be looking at the steps involved in migrating from .
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