Razor Pages, introduced in ASP.NET Core 2.0, offer a fresh, streamlined approach to building web applications. This model-centric development paradigm simplifies certain tasks, making it an appealing choice for developers familiar with ASP.NET and those new to the ecosystem. But how does it fit within the broader context of ASP.NET Core, and how does it compare to the tried-and-true MVC pattern?

Overview of what Razor Pages are and how they fit into the ASP.NET Core ecosystem

Razor Pages are a feature of ASP.NET Core that offers a page-based programming model. Each Razor Page corresponds to a Razor view (.cshtml file) and its associated PageModel (.cshtml.cs file). This tight coupling between the view and its logic encapsulates the responsibilities neatly, making it easier to reason about the behavior of a page.

At its core, Razor Pages utilize the same runtime as MVC. This means that while the way you organize and structure your code might differ, the underlying components like Middleware, Dependency Injection, and Entity Framework Core remain consistent.

Comparing Razor Pages to MVC and when to use one over the other

Razor Pages and MVC are two sides of the same coin, each with its strengths and ideal use cases.

Razor Pages:

  • Simplicity: Perfect for developers who want a more straightforward approach without the multiple components of MVC. It’s especially useful for small applications or when you’re looking to build a prototype quickly.
  • Encapsulation: With the logic and the view closely tied, it’s often more straightforward to manage and understand the behavior of individual pages.
  • Flexibility: While Razor Pages simplify many tasks, they don’t lock you out of the more advanced features of ASP.NET Core.


  • Separation of Concerns: MVC’s distinct separation between Models, Views, and Controllers can be advantageous, especially for larger applications where delineation of responsibilities is crucial.
  • Mature: Being around for a longer time, MVC has a vast ecosystem, with many resources, libraries, and plugins available.
  • Fine-grained Control: MVC might offer more control in certain scenarios, especially when dealing with complex routing, multiple view engines, or advanced data handling scenarios.

When to Use Which?:

  • Small Apps or Prototypes: Razor Pages can be an excellent choice due to their simplicity and rapid development capabilities.
  • Large or Complex Apps: For applications that are expected to grow in complexity, or those that require a clear separation of concerns, MVC might be more appropriate.
  • Hybrid Approach: Remember, it’s entirely feasible to use both Razor Pages and MVC in the same application, allowing developers to pick the best tool for each specific job.

Setting up Your First Razor Page

Diving into Razor Pages starts with setting up the right environment and understanding the essentials. This section will guide you through the prerequisites for Razor Pages, creating your first application, and making sense of the default file structure.

Installation and prerequisites for working with Razor Pages

Before you embark on your journey with Razor Pages, ensure your machine is adequately set up. Here are the necessary steps:

  1. .NET Core SDK: First and foremost, download and install the .NET Core SDK from the official website. This provides you with the essential tools to develop ASP.NET Core applications.

  2. IDE: While you can use any text editor, Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code are highly recommended. Both provide excellent support for ASP.NET Core development.

    • Visual Studio: It offers a rich IDE with integrated debugging, profiling, and other advanced features. Download it from the official site.
    • Visual Studio Code: A lightweight, fast, and free editor. With the C# extension, it becomes a powerful tool for ASP.NET Core development.

A step-by-step guide to creating a new Razor Page application

Once you’re set up, creating a Razor Page application is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Using Visual Studio:

    1. Open Visual Studio and select Create a new project.
    2. Choose the ASP.NET Core Web App template.
    3. On the next screen, select .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 2.0 or higher.
    4. Choose the Web Application template (which utilizes Razor Pages).
    5. Give your project a name, location, and click Create.
  2. Using Command Line:

    1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
    2. Navigate to the directory where you want your project.
    3. Run the command: dotnet new webapp -n YourProjectName. This will create a new Razor Pages application with the specified name.

Understanding the file structure and conventions

When you first open your Razor Pages application, you’ll notice several folders and files. Here’s a brief overview:

  • wwwroot: This directory contains static files, such as CSS, JavaScript, and images. It’s the root directory for the web server.

  • Pages: The heart of a Razor Pages application. This is where your .cshtml (view) and .cshtml.cs (page model) files reside. By default, you’ll see an Index.cshtml (the home page) and an Error.cshtml (error handling page).

  • Startup.cs: This file contains configuration details, middleware, and services needed by the app. It’s where you set up important functionalities like Dependency Injection.

  • appsettings.json: Configuration settings for your application. You might have connection strings, application settings, or other configurations here.

  • Program.cs: The entry point of your application. It’s where the web host is set up and the app is run.

The convention in Razor Pages is convention over configuration. This means that the framework makes several decisions for you based on the structure and naming. For example, the name and location of a Razor Page determine its URL. Understanding these conventions can significantly streamline your development process.

With your environment set up and your first Razor Page application ready to go, you’re all set to dive deeper into the exciting world of Razor Pages.

Page Models and Data Handling

Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core introduce a compelling approach to building web applications, focusing on the synergy between views and their underlying logic. At the heart of this approach lies the Page Model. By harnessing the power of Page Models, developers can create robust, data-driven applications with ease and elegance.

Delve into the role of page models in Razor Pages

Page Models are the backbone of the Razor Pages paradigm. While the Razor .cshtml file defines the HTML structure and presentation logic, the corresponding Page Model (.cshtml.cs file) is responsible for handling data and interactions for that page.

Some key responsibilities of a Page Model include:

  • Data Representation: Holding the data that the Razor view displays.
  • Handling User Interactions: Managing user inputs, button clicks, and form submissions.
  • Validation: Enforcing rules on data before it’s processed or stored.

By segregating the visual aspect (the view) and the logic (Page Model), Razor Pages promote a clean, maintainable, and testable codebase.

Binding data to page properties and handling user input

Data binding is a core feature in Razor Pages, making it convenient to handle user input. Through model binding, the properties of a Page Model automatically get values from form fields, query strings, and route data.

Model Binding Basics:

  • Use the [BindProperty] attribute on a Page Model property to indicate that this property should receive its value from the submitted form data.
  • For data that you want to bind only on HTTP POST requests, use the [BindProperty(SupportsGet=false)] variant.

For instance:

public string Name { get; set; }

When a form containing an input field named Name is submitted, the Name property in the Page Model will automatically receive its value.

Handling user input typically involves reacting to events like form submissions. Razor Pages use handler methods, like OnGet, OnPost, or variations thereof (like OnPostAsync) to respond to these HTTP events.

Interacting with databases using Entity Framework Core in the context of Razor Pages

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) offers an intuitive approach to data access. With Razor Pages, integrating with databases becomes a seamless experience.

  1. Setup:

    • Start by adding the necessary EF Core packages via NuGet (like Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer for SQL Server support).
    • Define your database context, which represents a session with the database, allowing you to query and save data.
  2. Integrate with Razor Pages:

    • In your Page Model, you can inject the database context via the constructor, making it available for CRUD operations.
    • Use the context to perform operations like adding, updating, deleting, or querying records.


private readonly MyDbContext _context;

public MyPageModel(MyDbContext context)
    _context = context;

public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
    _context.Items.Add(new Item{Name = this.Name});
    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

    return RedirectToPage("./Index");

EF Core’s LINQ-powered querying capabilities, combined with Razor Pages, make data-driven web application development both efficient and enjoyable.

The synergy of Razor Views, Page Models, data binding, and EF Core provides a robust platform to craft powerful, scalable, and maintainable web applications. As you delve deeper, you’ll uncover even more tools and techniques to streamline your development journey.

Razor Syntax and UI Components

Razor Pages, a hallmark feature of ASP.NET Core, offers a fresh way to craft web applications by blending HTML seamlessly with C#. One of the pivotal components that make this amalgamation possible is the Razor syntax. Beyond this dynamic syntax, Razor Pages also offers powerful UI components to accelerate web development.

A primer on Razor syntax for dynamic page rendering

At its core, Razor is a templating engine that allows developers to embed C# directly within HTML. This powerful capability enables dynamic page rendering based on data and logic.

Key Aspects of Razor Syntax:

  • Code Blocks: Enclose C# code within @{ ... }. This is useful for defining variables, loops, and other logic.

        var greeting = "Hello, World!";
  • Expressions: Use @ followed by a C# expression to render its value within the HTML.

  • Control Structures: Implement loops, conditionals, and other structures using the Razor syntax. For example:

    @for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) 
        <p>Item @i</p>

Razor syntax is designed to be intuitive, ensuring that developers can focus on crafting functionality rather than grappling with syntax quirks.

Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within Razor Pages

Razor Pages blend seamlessly with standard web technologies, making it straightforward to create stylish, interactive pages.

  • HTML: Razor views are essentially HTML pages. You can include any valid HTML markup just as you would in a typical .html file.

  • CSS: Styling your Razor pages is as simple as linking to a CSS file. Place your stylesheets in the wwwroot/css directory and link them in your Razor views.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/css/styles.css" />
  • JavaScript: Similarly, integrate JavaScript for interactivity. Store your scripts in the wwwroot/js directory and reference them in your Razor views.

    <script src="~/js/scripts.js"></script>

Tag Helpers, another gem in the ASP.NET Core arsenal, provide a server-side way to create and render HTML elements. They enhance readability and fluency by transforming custom tags and attributes into HTML.

Popular Tag Helpers:

  • Form and Input: Simplify form creation using the form, input, label, and textarea Tag Helpers. For example, the asp-for attribute helps in model binding:

    <input asp-for="Model.PropertyName" />
    <label asp-for="Model.PropertyName"></label>
  • Anchor Tag Helper: Crafting links is a breeze with the anchor Tag Helper. The asp-page and asp-route-* attributes enable dynamic URL generation:

    <a asp-page="/Details" asp-route-id="@Model.Id">View Details</a>
  • Environment Tag Helper: Conditionally render content based on the environment (Development, Production, etc.):

    <environment include="Development">
        <!-- Scripts and styles for development only -->

These are just the tip of the iceberg. As you dive deeper into Razor Pages, you’ll uncover a plethora of Tag Helpers, each designed to make common tasks more intuitive and efficient.

By leveraging the Razor syntax and built-in UI components, developers can craft dynamic, interactive, and aesthetically pleasing web applications with ease. The blend of familiar web technologies with the power of ASP.NET Core offers a rich canvas to express your creativity and technical prowess.

Advanced Features and Best Practices

While Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core is remarkably beginner-friendly, it also offers advanced features that seasoned developers will appreciate. By understanding and implementing these advanced functionalities, you can craft robust, efficient, and secure web applications. Let’s delve into these features and the best practices to harness them effectively.

Implementing user authentication and authorization in Razor Pages

Razor Pages, like the rest of ASP.NET Core, seamlessly integrates with Identity, the framework’s built-in solution for user management, authentication, and authorization.

Steps to Implement Authentication:

  1. Setting Up Identity: Start by adding the required Identity services in the Startup.cs file.

  2. Protecting Pages: Protect individual Razor Pages by adding the [Authorize] attribute. This ensures only authenticated users can access the page.

    public class ProtectedPageModel : PageModel
        // ...
  3. Customizing Authorization: For more granular control, policies can be defined and applied. For instance, you can restrict access based on user roles or custom logic.

Building reusable page components and layouts

Reusable Page Components: Razor supports the concept of “View Components,” which allow encapsulating complex render logic into reusable chunks.

  • Create a class for the view component that inherits from ViewComponent.
  • Implement the Invoke or InvokeAsync method which contains the component’s logic.
  • Render the component in a Razor Page using the Component.Invoke method.

Layouts: Use shared layouts to maintain a consistent look across your application. Typically, layouts are stored in the Shared folder and have the .cshtml extension. Set the layout for a Razor Page using the Layout property:

    Layout = "_Layout";

Tips for optimizing performance, security, and maintainability when working with Razor Pages

  • Performance:

    • Caching: Use the built-in caching capabilities to cache entire pages or parts of them to reduce server load.
    • Optimize Data Access: Avoid fetching unnecessary data. Use paging, sorting, and filtering techniques to streamline database queries.
  • Security:

    • Validation: Always validate user input both on the client and server sides to prevent malicious data entry.
    • Avoid Raw SQL: Use LINQ or other ORM methods to interact with your database, avoiding raw SQL queries which can be prone to SQL injection attacks.
  • Maintainability:

    • Consistent Naming Conventions: Adopt and adhere to naming conventions for routes, files, and methods.
    • Separation of Concerns: Keep logic, data access, and UI rendering separate to ensure modular and maintainable code.

Mastering these advanced features and adhering to best practices is pivotal to building professional-grade applications with Razor Pages. As you gain more experience, continually refining your toolkit and methodologies will ensure that your projects remain scalable, secure, and performant.